name |
continent |
area |
population |
gdp |
Afghanistan |
Asia |
652230 |
25500100 |
20343000000 |
Albania |
Europe |
28748 |
2831741 |
12960000000 |
Algeria |
Africa |
2381741 |
37100000 |
188681000000 |
Andorra |
Europe |
468 |
78115 |
3712000000 |
Angola |
Africa |
1246700 |
20609294 |
100990000000 |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
name: 国家名称
continent: 洲
area: 面积
population: 人口
gdp: 国内生产总值
SUM and COUNT/zh
1 2 3
| 1.展示世界的總人口。 SELECT sum(population) FROM world
1 2
| 2.列出所有的洲份, 每個只有一次。 select distinct continent from world
1 2 3
| 3.找出非洲(Africa)的GDP總和。 select sum(gdp) from world where continent = 'Africa'
1 2 3
| 4.有多少個國家具有至少百萬(1000000)的面積。 select count(name) from world where area >= 1000000
1 2 3
| 5.('France','Germany','Spain')(“法國”,“德國”,“西班牙”)的總人口是多少? select sum(population) from world where name in ('France','Germany','Spain')
1 2 3
| 6.對於每一個洲份,顯示洲份和國家的數量。 select continent,count(name) from world group by continent
1 2 3 4
| 7.對於每一個洲份,顯示洲份和至少有1000萬人(10,000,000)口國家的數目。 select continent,count(name) from world where population >= 10000000 group by continent
1 2 3 4
| 8.列出有至少100百萬(1億)(100,000,000)人口的洲份。 select continent from world group by continent having sum(population) >= 100000000
The nobel table can be used to practice more SUM and COUNT functions./zh
1 2
| 1.找出總共有多少個獎頒發了。 SELECT COUNT(winner) FROM nobel
1 2
| 2.列出每一個獎項(subject), 只列一次 select distinct subject from nobel
1 2 3
| 3.找出物理獎的總頒發次數。 select count(yr) from nobel where subject = 'Physics'
1 2 3
| 4.對每一個獎項(Subject),列出頒發數目。 select subject,count(yr) from nobel group by subject
1 2 3
| 5.對每一個獎項(Subject),列出首次頒發的年份。 select subject,min(yr) from nobel group by subject
1 2 3 4
| 6.對每一個獎項(Subject),列出2000年頒發的數目。 select subject,count(winner) from nobel where yr = 2000 group by subject
1 2 3
| 7.對每一個獎項(Subject),列出有多少個不同的得獎者。 select subject,count(distinct winner) from nobel group by subject
1 2 3
| 8.對每一個獎項(Subject),列出有多少年曾頒發過。 select subject,count(distinct yr) from nobel group by subject
1 2 3 4 5
| 9.列出哪年曾同年有3個物理獎Physics得獎者。 select yr from nobel where subject = 'Physics' group by yr having count(winner) = 3
1 2 3 4
| 10.列出誰得獎多於一次。 select winner from nobel group by winner having count(yr) > 1
1 2 3 4
| 11.列出誰獲得多於一個獎項(Subject) select winner from nobel group by winner having count(distinct subject) > 1
1 2 3 4 5
| 12.哪年哪獎項,是同一獎項(subject)頒發給3個人。只列出2000年及之後的資料。 select yr,subject from nobel where yr >= 2000 group by yr,subject having count(winner) = 3
1.Select the statement that shows the sum of population of all countries in ‘Europe’
| SELECT SUM(population) FROM bbc WHERE region = 'Europe'
2.Select the statement that shows the number of countries with population smaller than 150000
| SELECT COUNT(name) FROM bbc WHERE population < 150000
3.Select the list of core SQL aggregate functions
| AVG(), COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM()
4.Select the result that would be obtained from the following code:
1 2 3 4
| SELECT region, SUM(area) FROM bbc WHERE SUM(area) > 15000000 GROUP BY region
| No result due to invalid use of the WHERE function
5.Select the statement that shows the average population of ‘Poland’, ‘Germany’ and ‘Denmark’
| SELECT AVG(population) FROM bbc WHERE name IN ('Poland', 'Germany', 'Denmark')
6.Select the statement that shows the medium population density of each region
| SELECT region, SUM(population)/SUM(area) AS density FROM bbc GROUP BY region
7.Select the statement that shows the name and population density of the country with the largest population
| SELECT name, population/area AS density FROM bbc WHERE population = (SELECT MAX(population) FROM bbc)
8.Pick the result that would be obtained from the following code:
1 2 3 4
| SELECT region, SUM(area) FROM bbc GROUP BY region HAVING SUM(area)<= 20000000
- 聚合函数将多个数据进行计算,得出的结果只有一个数据,内部可以使用distinct去掉重复值
- 使用group by后,前面的select只能是分组条件或是使用聚合函数
- where和having,group by前的where是分组之前的筛选,having是分组后要进行的操作
- 可以进行多次分组,例如每个x下的每个y,可以用group by x,y
Post Date:
2021-02-10 10:59:47
Update Date:
2021-10-22 19:37:40
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