1.列出每個國家的名字 name,當中人口 population 是高於俄羅斯'Russia'的人口。 SELECTnameFROM world WHERE population > (SELECT population FROM world WHEREname='Russia')
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2.列出歐州每國家的人均GDP,當中人均GDP要高於英國'United Kingdom'的數值。 selectnamefrom world where continent = 'Europe'and gdp/population > (select gdp/population from world wherename = 'United Kingdom')
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3.在阿根廷Argentina 及 澳大利亞 Australia所在的洲份中,列出當中的國家名字 name 及洲分 continent 。按國字名字順序排序 selectname,continent from world where continent in (select continent from world wherenamein ('Argentina','Australia')) orderbyname
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4.哪一個國家的人口比加拿大Canada的多,但比波蘭Poland的少?列出國家名字name和人口population 。 selectname,population from world where population > (select population from world wherename = 'Canada') and population < (select population from world wherename = 'Poland')
1 2 3 4
5.Germany德國(人口8000萬),在Europe歐洲國家的人口最多。Austria奧地利(人口850萬)擁有德國總人口的11%。 顯示歐洲的國家名稱name和每個國家的人口population。以德國的人口的百分比作人口顯示。 selectname,concat(round((population/(select population from world wherename = 'Germany'))*100,0),'%') from world where continent = 'Europe'
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6.哪些國家的GDP比Europe歐洲的全部國家都要高呢? [只需列出 name 。] (有些國家的記錄中,GDP是NULL,沒有填入資料的。) selectnamefrom world where gdp > all(select gdp from world where gdp > 0and continent = 'Europe')
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7.在每一個州中找出最大面積的國家,列出洲份 continent, 國家名字 name 及面積 area。 (有些國家的記錄中,AREA是NULL,沒有填入資料的。) SELECT continent, name, area FROM world x WHERE area >= ALL (SELECT area FROM world y WHERE y.continent=x.continent AND area>0)
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8.列出洲份名稱,和每個洲份中國家名字按子母順序是排首位的國家名。(即每洲只有列一國) select continent,namefrom world w1 wherename = (selectnamefrom world w2 where w1.continent = w2.continent orderbynamelimit1) 另一种方法,直接使用groupby select continent,min(name) from world groupby continent
More difficult
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9.找出洲份,當中全部國家都有少於或等於 25000000 人口. 在這些洲份中,列出國家名字name,continent 洲份和population人口。 selectname,continent,population from world w1 where25000000 >= all(select population from world w2 where w2.continent = w1.continent)
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10.有些國家的人口是同洲份的所有其他國的3倍或以上。列出 國家名字name 和 洲份 continent。 select name,continent from world w1 where w1.population >= all(select 3*population from world w2 where w1.continent = w2.continent and w2.population > 0 and w1.name != w2.name)
The nobel table can be used to practice more subquery./zh
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1.紅十字國際委員會 (International Committee of the Red Cross) 曾多次獲得和平獎。 試找出與紅十字國際委員會同年得獎的文學獎(Literature)得獎者和年份。 select winner,yr from nobel where subject = 'Literature'and yr in (select yr from nobel where winner = 'International Committee of the Red Cross'and subject = 'Peace')
1 2 3
2.日本物理學家益川敏英 (Toshihide Maskawa) 曾獲得物理獎。同年還有兩位日本人一同獲得物理獎。試列出這2位日本人的名稱。 select winner from nobel where winner != 'Toshihide Maskawa' and subject = 'Physics' and yr = (select yr from nobel where winner = 'Toshihide Maskawa' and subject = 'Physics')
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3.首次頒發的經濟獎 (Economics)的得獎者是誰? select winner from nobel where subject = 'Economics' and yr = (selectmin(yr) from nobel where subject = 'Economics')
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4.哪幾年頒發了物理獎,但沒有頒發化學獎? selectdistinct yr from nobel where subject = 'Physics'and yr notin (selectdistinct yr from nobel where subject = 'Chemistry')
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5.哪幾年的得獎者人數多於12人呢? 列出得獎人數多於12人的年份,獎項和得獎者。 select yr,subject,winner from nobel where yr in (select yr from nobel group by yr having count(winner) > 12)
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6.哪些得獎者獲獎多於1次呢?他們是哪一年獲得哪項獎項呢? 列出他們的名字,獲獎年份及獎項。先按名字,再按年份順序排序。 select winner,yr,subject from nobel where winner in (select winner from nobel group by winner having count(yr) > 1) order by winner,yr
1.選擇代碼以顯示在每個區域人口最小的國家的國家名稱,區域和人口。 Answer:
SELECT region, name, population FROM bbc x WHERE population <= ALL (SELECT population FROM bbc y WHERE y.region=x.region AND population>0)
2.選擇代碼以顯示國家名稱,該國所在的地區每國人口都超過50000。 Answer:
SELECTname,region,population FROM bbc x WHERE50000 < ALL (SELECT population FROM bbc y WHERE x.region=y.region AND y.population>0)
3.選擇代碼以顯示國家名稱,該國家人口少於它周圍的全部國家的人口三分之一。 Answer:
1 2
SELECTname, region FROM bbc x WHERE population < ALL (SELECT population/3FROM bbc y WHERE y.region = x.region AND y.name != x.name)
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SELECTnameFROM bbc WHERE population > (SELECT population FROM bbc WHEREname='United Kingdom') AND region IN (SELECT region FROM bbc WHEREname = 'United Kingdom')
5.選擇代碼以顯示國家名稱,該國有比非洲任何國家更大的國內生產總值GDP。 Answer:
1 2
SELECTnameFROM bbc WHERE gdp > ALL (SELECT MAX(gdp) FROM bbc WHERE region = 'Africa'AND gdp ISNOTNULL)
6.選擇代碼以顯示國家名稱,該國人口比俄羅斯少,但比丹麥的多。 Answer:
1 2 3
SELECTnameFROM bbc WHERE population < (SELECT population FROM bbc WHEREname='Russia') AND population > (SELECT population FROM bbc WHEREname='Denmark')
1 2 3 4 5 6
SELECTnameFROM bbc WHERE population > ALL (SELECT MAX(population) FROM bbc WHERE region = 'Europe') AND region = 'South Asia'
Post Date:2021-02-08 14:34:59Update Date:2021-10-22 19:37:40